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Clack WS1.5EE Automatic Filter with Pyrolox, 16" x 65" (w/Comm. Pot)
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Product Code: WS15EE-AIF-16-PYROLOX

Description Spec Sheet / Manual
Systems feature the Clack WS1.5EE 1-1/2" control valve with 6 fully adjustable cycles. Optional double backwash feature offers optimum regeneration, cleaning ability and efficiency. Systems also include Pyrolox, commercial distributors, gravel bed and an 18x33 commercial potassium solution tank.

Product Features:
  • 2" Top mount control valve suited for commercial/industrial applications
  • Lead free brass construction
  • Service flow rate of 60 gpm, backwash 50 gpm
  • Solid state microprocessor with easy access front panel settings
  • Front panel display for time of day, days until next regeneration, volume remaining, current flow rate and total volume used (Totalizer)
  • Regeneration: meter immediate, meter delayed, time clock delayed
  • Post treated water regenerant refill
  • Optional double backwash feature offers optimum regeneration, cleaning ability and efficiency
  • Fully adjustable cycle times with 6-cycle control delivers controlled backwash, down-flow brining/slow rinse, second backwash, fast rinse, refill and down-flow service
  • Coin Cell Lithium battery back-up with an 8 hour carry over
  • 12-volt AC Adapter, safe & easy installation
  • Reliable and proven DC drive

A naturally mined ore, Pyrolox™ is a mineral form of manganese dioxide which has been used in water treatment for more than 75 years. Pyrolox™ is a granular filtration media for hydrogen sulfide, iron and manganese reduction. Pyrolox™ functions as a catalyst, but itself remains relatively unchanged.

Pyrolox™ works on a principle whereby the hydrogen sulfide, iron and manganese are oxidized and trapped on the media while simple back washing cleans the bed. No chemical regeneration is required, nothing is imparted into the drinking water and Pyrolox™ has a high capacity for low contaminant concentrations.

Pyrolox™ can be used in conjunction with aeration, chlorination, ozone or other pretreatment methods for difficult applications. Chlorine or other oxidants accelerate the catalytic reaction. Because of its heavy weight, it is very important that Pyrolox™ filters are back washed properly to insure adequate bed expansion and continued service life. Backwashing - As with any media, frequent and thorough backwashing is essential for long-term success with Pyrolox™. The specific frequency of regular back-washing is dependent on water quality and application rate. A daily backwash at the appropriate rate is required to remove precipitated contaminants from the filter bed.

Oxidant Feed - To maintain and further augment the long-term performance and removal capacity of the media, an oxidant feed of some type is strongly recommended. This will maintain the media and enhance removal capacity. Chlorine injection (options include chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, or calcium hypochlorite) immediately up stream of the filter feed is a simple way to meet this requirement. Other acceptable oxidants include air injection (oxygen is an oxidant), potassium permanganate, sodium permanganate, etc. Hydrogen peroxide is specifically prohibited for use as an oxidant.

  • Effective reduction of iron, sulfur and manganese
  • Durable with long service life and low annual attrition of bed
  • No chemical regeneration required only periodic back washing
Physical Properties:
Color: Black
Bulk Density: 120 lbs./cu. ft.
Mesh Size: 8 x 20
Effective Size: 0.51 mm
Uniform Coefficient: 1.7
Specific Gravity: 3.8

Conditions for Operation:
pH: 6.5 – 9.0
Bed depth: application dependent
Backwash flow rate: 25 – 30 gpm per sq. ft.
Backwash expansion: 15 – 30% of bed depth
Service flow rate: 5 gpm/sq. ft.
Freeboard: 40% of bed depth (min.)

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