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Clack WS20EE Automatic Filter with Calcite/Corosex, 18" x 65" (w/Comm. Pot)

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Product Code: WS20EE-AIF-18-COROSEX

Description Spec Sheet / Manual
Systems feature the Clack WS2EE or WS2QC 2" control valve with 6 fully adjustable cycles. Optional double backwash feature offers optimum regeneration, cleaning ability and efficiency. Systems also include Calcite/Corosex, commercial distributors, gravel bed and an 18x33 commercial potassium solution tank.

Product Features:
  • 2" Top mount control valve suited for commercial/industrial applications
  • Lead free brass construction
  • Service flow rate of 125 gpm, backwash 85 gpm
  • Solid state microprocessor with easy access front panel settings
  • Front panel display for time of day, days until next regeneration, volume remaining, current flow rate and total volume used (Totalizer)
  • Regeneration: meter immediate, meter delayed, time clock delayed
  • Optional double backwash feature offers optimum regeneration, cleaning ability and efficiency
  • Fully adjustable cycle times with 6-cycle control delivers controlled backwash, down-flow brining/slow rinse, second backwash, fast rinse, refill and down-flow service
  • Coin Cell Lithium battery back-up with an 8 hour carry over
  • 12-volt AC Adapter, safe & easy installation
  • Post treated water regenerant refill

By neutralizing the free carbon dioxide in water, Corosex can correct acidic water conditions and render it less corrosive. Corosex, being a highly reactive magnesium oxide, is used most effectively where pH correction is substantial or high flow conditions are in use. pH correction and media consumption are affected by a number of water chemical variables. Being soluble to acidity, Corosex will slowly dissolve and will need to be replenished periodically.

On a per weight basis, magnesium oxide can neutralize much more acidity than can calcium carbonate, (five times as much). This results in greatly reduced chemical usage for the same pH correction. Please note, under certain low flow conditions, Corosex may overcorrect and create a highly basic (high pH) condition.

Under certain hardness conditions, pH correction can cause hardness minerals to precipitate out of solution, resulting in cementing or solidification of the Corosex mineral bed. Upflow service is generally recommended with hardness exceeding five grains per gallon. (Always use an in-line filter ahead of an upflow system to prevent plugging of the lower distribution screen.)

As Corosex’s magnesium oxide neutralizes the water, it will increase hardness and a softener may become necessary after the neutralizing filter.

Corosex is effectively combined with calcite to combine the high flow neutralization properties of Corosex, along with the slower reacting low flow properties of Calcite, reducing potentially high basic properties due to overcorrection.

  • High degree of activity and speed of correction allowing high flow
  • High capacity...less chemical usage
Physical Properties
Color: Brownish white
Bulk Density: 75 lbs./cu. ft.
Mesh Size: 6 x 16
Specific Gravity: 3.6 gm/cc
Effective Size: 1.4 mm
Uniform Coefficient: 1.7
Composition: MgO 97% min.

Conditions for Operation
  • Downflow service is generally satisfactory on waters with a hardness of less than five grains/gal. or where it’s combined with Calcite at least 50-50. Upflow service is generally recommended with hardness exceeding five grains/gal. to prevent “cementing of the Corosex bed”
  • Use distributors designed for upflow applications
  • A gravel support bed is recommended
  • Water pH range: 4.5-6.0
  • Bed depth: 24-30 in.
  • Freeboard: 50% of bed depth (min.)
  • Backwash frequently to prevent possible cementing
  • Backwash rate: 10-12 gpm/sq. ft.
  • Service flow rate: 5-6 gpm/sq. ft. but may be modified to adapt to local conditions

Acidic waters on contact with Calcite slowly dissolve the calcium carbonate media to raise the pH which reduces the potential leaching of copper, lead and other metals found in typical plumbing systems. Periodic backwashing will prevent packing and maintain high service rates. Depending on pH and service flow, the Calcite bed will have to be periodically added to as the dissolved calcite de pletes.

As the Calcite’s calcium carbonate neutralizes the water, it will increase hardness and a softener may become necessary after the neutralizing filter.

  • High uniformity coefficient for maximum contact for controlled pH correction
  • Slower reacting
  • Inexpensive

Physical Properties:
Color: Near White
Density: 100 lbs./cu. ft.
Composition: CaCO3, 95% minimum; MgCO3, 3.0% maximum

Conditions for Operation:
pH: 5 - 6
Bed Depth: 24 - 30 in.
Backwash Rate: 8-12 gpm. sq. ft.
Backwash Bed Expansion: 35% of bed depth
Service Flow Rate: 3 -6 gpm/sq. ft. invariably give satisfactory results but may be modified in view of local conditions.

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